Privacy Policy

The data we collect

Scheme customers, wholesale customers & former customers with debts to us

We keep the following information:

  • Contact information you have shared with us including name, email, phone number and address.

  • A record when you joined and left the scheme; the payments you have made to us; and any outstanding debt.

  • Any email correspondence.

Other former customers

  • Our bank records the payments you have made to us via bank transfer and this information remains after you have left the scheme.

  • If you have let us know that you are happy for us to keep your contact information we will keep your name, phone number and email address.

  • We also have a record of email correspondence.

Other people on our mailing list

If you have requested that we contact you in the future; consented to being on our mailing list; and/or consenting to us keeping your contact information, we will have the information you have provided us which may include your name, email; phone number; or address.

We also have a record of email correspondence with people we have had such correspondence with.

Why do we keep your information?

The main reason we keep your contact information is to make sure you are paying the right amount for our vegetables so we both keep our sides of the deal. In particular we need this information to:

  • Inform you of when the scheme changes, especially when you will need to amend your standing order.

  • Tell you if you have failed to cancel your standing order after leaving the scheme.

  • Let you know if you have failed to amend your standing order following a change in price.

  • Get in touch if we become aware that you have overpaid.

  • Notify you if you owe us money and recover any money that you owe us.

We will also notify you of any news about the farm that we think will be of interest to you and any events that we are hosting and would like to invite you to. Customers and non-customers can choose not to be contacted about these if you wish.

We keep emails in case of any future queries or disputes.

Sharing your information

We will never sell your data to anyone or share it with other organisations or individuals so that they can market to you.

However, in order to run our business effectively, we need to use some third party platforms, which we think you should know about:

How long we will keep your information

We will only use and store your information for as long as it is required for the purposes it was collected for. If you do not interact with us for up to six years, we will remove your contact information.

How long it will be stored depends on the information in question, what it is being used for and, sometimes, statutory legal requirements.

How to change, delete or check out information we have about you

  • You can also let us know of any changes to your contact details by emailing

  • If you opt out of receiving our communications at any point, we will delete your contact information and record this request on our database. This will ensure that you do not receive any further communications from us.

  • You have the right to be ‘forgotten’, which means that if you request us to, provided that you are no longer a customer and have no outstanding debt, we will remove all the data that we hold on you from our systems, unless we are required to keep it for statutory legal reasons.

  • Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (effective from 25 May 2018) you can request a report detailing the information we hold about you. To obtain a report, please email us: We will issue a response to all enquiries within a month. If you’d like us to do this, please send us this information: Your full name and contact details, your relationship to Tyddyn Teg, and a copy of some ID.

You can also contact us about any of the above by phoning 07599813777; or writing to or visiting us at Tyddyn Teg, Tyddyn Berth, Bethel, Caernarfon, LL55 3PS.